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Michel Rd, Tomball, TX 77375
Property Details
Address Michel Rd, Tomball, TX 77375
Harris County
Coordinates 30.081998824828688, -95.6226808360507
Asking Price* Tract 1: $3,701,536.61
($8.37 PSF)
Tract 2: TBD**
Tract 3: $2,200,000.00
($7.33 PSF)
Total: $5,901,536.61
($7.95 PSF)
Land Size Tract 1: ±10.1524 AC or 442,238.544 SF
Tract 2: ±4.52 AC or 196,891.20 SF
Tract 3: ±6.8940 AC or 300,302.64 SF
Total: ±21.5664 AC or 939,432.384 SF
Water City of Tomball
Topography Zone X
Projected Rents $1.80
Projected Units Tract 1: ±269
Tract 2: ±120
Tract 3: ±182
Total: ±572
Cost Per Door @ ±572: $10,324.86
Broker Notes
*Land is available to be purchased individually or as a package.
**Contacted the seller last week; waiting to hear back in regards to an asking price.
17448 N Eldridge Pkwy, Tomball, TX 77377
Haven at Treeline Apartments (around the corner from the subject property) leases for $1.76.
Haven at Treeline opened in September 2024.
Leased Percentage Rate: 99%
Average two-bedroom PSF: $1.56
Average two-bedroom SF: 1,221.50 SF
Asking Price: $5,901,536.61
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